Senator Mike McDonnell has been an official champion for ServeNebraska since 2021 when he began preparing legislation designed to establish the Commission as an independent state agency. Upon seeing the impact that AmeriCorps and the Commission have made in Nebraska communities, he saw the potential for National Service to improve quality of life for all Nebraskans as well as the lurking danger of losing the programs due to underinvestment and apathy.
Equipped with a vision of an independent agency with the autonomy to be flexible in addressing pressing community needs and the experience to create meaningful partnerships across the state, the Senator introduced legislation during the 2022 legislative session, and again in 2023, to protect the work of ServeNebraska and preserve AmeriCorps presence in our state for generations to come.
Senator McDonnell understands that Nebraskans value volunteerism and community service. He acted to ensure they would always remain a priority among Nebraska leaders.
“I think we – all of us, want your family, friends and neighbors to be safe. Two, you want to spend time with your family, friends and neighbors. And three, you want to take your time, talent or treasure and give back to your family, friends and neighbors. This is the conduit to do that. That gives people an opportunity. The numbers are staggering by how many people you think that have gone and volunteered, and all the millions of hours that are being given back to our state,” he said.
The Senator fought tirelessly to build support for the bill throughout the 2022, 2023 and 2024 legislative sessions. Though the bill was narrowly unsuccessful, it built awareness about the impacts of AmeriCorps and volunteerism in our communities and built support to preserve the programs that make service possible.
In 2023, to thank him for his hard work and support, the ServeNebraska Commission voted unanimously to award Senator McDonnell with the Jamesena Moore “Making a Difference” Service Award at the Step Forward Awards.