30th Anniversary Features

In honor of 30 years of ServeNebraska, we're featuring one person or group each month whose commitment and hard work helped make the ServeNebraska Commission what it is today.
Check back on the last Thursday of each month in 2024 to read about another of ServeNebraska's biggest supporters!
“ServeNebraska has furthered a culture of civic engagement and fostered opportunities for public service in Nebraska”
“I think that anything that we can do to increase the volunteerism in our state will be nothing but a plus for our state and will be money very well spent.”
“Promoting the volunteer spirit just seemed like a great fit for us, and we wanted to be a part of the mission.”
“Service and volunteering is what makes America special.”
“Volunteerism is a key in helping others and making the quality of life better for all Nebraskans!”
“It’s not often we have the opportunity to become part of a history-making event like this one.”
“My service year for AmeriCorps helped me understand and value public service and the impact it has on communities.”
“The ServeNebraska role as a state leader in volunteerism was crucial to me and I also wanted to be involved in Nebraska’s role in national service.”
“No man is an island. We need each other. We need tutors, mentors, friends, and someone to reach out a hand and let us know that they care.”